Wednesday 30 December 2020

Wheel of fortune

The fates are on your side, the ever-turning wheel is showing good times are ahead. Jump on opportunities that present themselves, divinely orchestrated projects are developing an unexpected encounter is Godsend, this will put you on the path to success. Prosperity may come through others but it is not from them, God has many ways of gifting us these successes and these may be presented through people, these people can not and will not stand in the way of what is yours coming your way. 

The enthusiasm and abundant energy bubbling within you will draw all sorts of fortune into your orbit. Do not let impatience upset this turn, put pen to paper whether it is that business idea you had or the novel you have been putting off, this could be the start of something special for you. 

When your crew wins you win and vice versa. Blow your own trumpet; get yourself noticed. No one can pull the wool over your eyes, now is the time to pursue new ventures. Do not let life pass you by, seize the good fortune and you will get to the top, whatever you want that to look like. Get in touch with your intuition. 

I plant myself on solid ground by consistently taking responsibility and having personal accountability for all that I do.

My actions speak louder than words.

I rise above excess and overindulgences. I know I am worthy and deserve to receive good things in life. It is time to enjoy the fruits of my labours.

I am receptive to embracing activities and events that come my way, even those I may have avoided in the past. 

Fluorite - Spiritual elevation and manifestation.

Listen to Simmy - Tugela Fairy 

Wednesday 23 December 2020

The Hierophant

 A stern figure sits between two pillars, her right hand and fingers raised in a blessing gesture, in her left is a diamond-encrusted wand. Before her lies two keys and two figures listening attentively. Her crown appears to be three-tiered with the top tier flowing with beautiful flowers. 

The Hierophant is here to impart with spiritual wisdom and knowledge, the keys can open life’s greatest mysteries. The card reminds us the preexisting spiritual structures give us a steady foundation while we explore and discover our own. When the student is ready the teacher shall appear, there is plenty you can learn from spiritual leaders of various faiths and belief systems. 

Spiritual leaders can come in all shapes and formats, books, to youtube and any spaces that nourish, nurture your spiritual curiosity and have an understanding of the core guiding principles. 

Explore your spiritual and cultural heritage, these structures have stood the test of time and will give something to learn about longevity. In the learning be vulnerable and honest, your light will shine and your tribe will find you and you them. seek out your tribe, be vulnerable and honest

Add ritual into your spiritual practice, this could look like daily meditation, gratitude and prayer and journaling. 

 In health seek out professional advice and follow it with adaption.

I will know what I need to do and how to respond with wisdom to situations that come my way. 

I believe in myself.

Carnelian - Build confidence and courage 

Listen to WILLOW, Jahnavi Harrison - R I S E 

Sunday 20 December 2020

That's how I feel

 I feel tender and raw 

'I am fine I promise'

I shout repeatedly to no one in particular 

The gnashing teeth and fatigue tell me otherwise 

My bones and joints feel like rusty old door hinges 

'Yer, yer I will rest' 

I reassure myself as the clock chimes 3; the ungodly hour 

Tender to the touch, red and exposed

Everything hurts in a way that tells me I am feeling too much, none of the good things

'It's not that' I feel my essence scream as I look for irrationality and holes

in what was arising

'Do some things exist where intellect has no jurisdiction?' 

Is this a feeling that needs to be felt before it is articulated

Is the articulation the language to communicate, for another to understand before I overstand it? 

Wednesday 16 December 2020

The Tower

 Lighting strikes on a dark and stormy knight, the monarch has fallen, the tower is on fire, one figure is impaled the rocks below the tower as the other is mid-fall to demise. It is chaotic and destructive, feels unavoidable. 

What you thought was built on solid ground is starting to crumble, the destruction it is leaving in its path may feel as though nothing good will come out of this. Do not let the fear that comes with change stop you from rising like a phoenix. What has burnt to the ground was never meant for you, acknowledge the loss, the pain will come to pass. 

Let what is crumbling fall, that fall will give way to you building what you desire. Rooted in spirit, truth and light, what is your is making its way to you, this is part of the process. What was once useful can be let go once it is no longer of use, this is what is happening. 

I trust my innate wisdom and respond accordingly. 

I do not allow my mind to create doubt or to override my strong gut feelings.

I am at peace with myself and those around me and I do not harbour unrealistic expectations of myself and others.

My power is free from ego and from any desire to manipulate or exploit situations or people.

The foundations of all my thoughts and actions is trust in myself. 

Spirit Quartz - Helps resolve arguments, especially in the home environment, and restores harmony to the household.

Listen to Scarlet Pines - A Life In Flow 

Sunday 13 December 2020


 'I want to be good to you' 

he whispers in between breaths as his fingers find the top of the joggers tugging at the seam hoping a little aggression would loosen them

I feel him rock hard. I like the Sahara desert arid

I erected cities in his name and drowned those that questioned his glory

all I got was hard dick 

I caressed each scar he bore and sealed it with a kiss 

all I got was a man who lost me in empty rooms 

I drained the pacific ocean and placed it in his pool when he said he wanted an infinity pool

I couldn't even get a glass of water because none of the cups were clean

Not all giving is the same nor is all receiving

Leave a lot of love for yourself 

Cherish yourself enough to see when you are getting the short stick. 

Wednesday 9 December 2020

The Devil

 The devil depicted as winged half man half goat, complete with pentagram, faces two naked figures chained to the block on which he is atop. The chains on the figures appear loose, with little effort these can be removed, the horns a sign of the figures becoming more like the devil, or on the devil’s side. 

We are made of light and shadow, shadow consumes light and convinces us darkness is all we know. Addictions, unhelpful behaviours, thought patterns and relationships impede us from becoming the best versions of ourselves. These behaviours lurk in the shadows and make us feel we have no control or power over them. We must shine a light to them first, acknowledge their presence, call them by name.


From this, actions to shake them loose must arise, it will take work, effort and showing up on our part. Often these have become deep-rooted habits and can be the hardest to break but are breakable, take it one day at a time. 

When my mind sways negatively, I remind myself of love, gratitude and spirit.

I am the observer of my thoughts, I do not let them bring me down. 

I remind myself to have gratitude and acceptance for what is and to have the courage of my convictions. 

I pursue a clearer understanding of spiritual truths behind all that is and all that is unfolding.

I ask myself is all I am thinking the truth and is it having a positive or negative impact on my life. 

Amethyst - A stone of balance, calmness and peace. Once used as an ‘anti intoxicant’ by catholic bishops and ancient greeks alike.

Listen to Meshell Ndegeocello - Peace beyond passion 

Sunday 6 December 2020


 Find stillness 

There will you find the beating heart that ricochets rhythms of love

The echos reaching within the spaces you once thought love could but reach 

Follow the depth of your breath 

Find the space deep within you where nothing lives but everything created 

Watch the concoction at play in awe and from a distance 

Do not fear what comes up 

Your terror casts shadows that distort the reality

Instead, light a torch and walk towards it with curiosity, love and patience 

Hug it until the warmth of your love starts to melt its outer layers. 

Acknowledge and sit with it until the little girl 

buried beneath it smiles back at you. 

Find stillness

Find the empty

Where love is snug and aplenty

where love can hold you

Find nothing

Only then will you find everything 

Wednesday 25 November 2020

The Star

 A naked figure clasping two jars(intuition, spirit) and (material, earth)  knees by a pond, one foot is firmly on the ground while the other is in the water as she pours from the jars into the land and the water. 

She pours into her spirituality and into her physical abilities, by doing this while in alignment she nourished her surrounding and completes the circle of life. She knows all is well. and has hope for the future.

Embrace all the future has to hold, the tough times are behind you and behold here you stand in your fullness. You are inspired, do not shy away from your vulnerability and your truth, your tribe will find you only if you are true to you. Trust in the process. 

I encourage myself to express my sensuality and emotions creatively using all my facilities including touch, voice, actions and creative abilities.

I practise being awarej= of and enjoying my senses being nourished and stimulated by the natural world.

/Gemstone - Orange Moonstone - relatively inspiring and brings freedom of expression. It’s a fertility talisman, bringing gentleness and emotional stability to the fore. 

Listen to - Men I trust - Headroom 

Wednesday 18 November 2020


 A figure sits between two pillars and in front of a veil, the pillars; a signifier for the foundations and support in our lives, our laws, value systems and social responsibilities. In her right hand is an upright double-edged sword, the element of air and the unseen intellect, the action and consequence.  In her left hand is a scale, she is intuitive and balances her heart and head, truth and fairness.

Justice asks, are you behaving in a way that speaks life into situations and people? Is your behaviour causing pain? 

It offers empathy and leaves room for us to change our behaviour to actions aligned with the divine goodness, and warms us that our actions will be judged, fairly, our life is our responsibility. 

It shows up when big decisions have to be made, or attention paid to a particular aspect of your life this has long terms ramifications. Pray for wisdom, for patience for the ability to see truth even when what you say maybe be what you want to see. Pray for the courage to accept this and for acceptance. 

Justice stands in integrity with strength and balance. Even when the truth may not appear so clear cut. 

I embrace courage, faith and adaptability, as they are needed for me to overcome my fear of change or the future. 

I regularly remind myself to be positive and open to possibilities, knowing that I am the creator of my destiny. 

I embrace the warrior within me, remind myself to be a warrior, not a worrier. I am not a victim. 

I feel the fear and do it anyway. I am ready and eager to move forwards. 

Emerald - mercy, compassion and universal love. This stone promotes physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance

Listen to Raveena - Lucid

Numerology -
11 Balance 

Sunday 15 November 2020


Did you know that babies have periods of no growth and then sudden bursts in development? So why do we then berate ourselves when we do not see something instantly recognisable as growth?

I have come to terms with the fact that this journey is going to be fucking uncomfortable, I stumble into dark rooms with huge do not enter signs and growls from now caged once freed beasts.

I learnt to find comfort in being misunderstood, the underlying basis to most of the interactions I had and came to accept it in due time as the way life was. Being misunderstood was an intrinsic part of the human experience. Noone walked a mile in your shoe, the levels of being understood are quite subjective. 

The illusion of loneliness is what bugs me, like most people I enjoy time alone. I am content and happy in my own company and can easily ghost without realisation. The minute another person or other people are thrown into the mix, I feel more so like an island than the peninsula - big up Andre 3000 -  that I am. 

I know for the most part this separation is ego's narrative and it will find all the necessary clues to support this theory. But I do not want to be some bitter spinster who is unable to keep company and never learns how to get on with people. 

Why do I feel so detached from others? Are we all doomed to feel a permanent and perpetual deep loneliness? 

I am fully aware of my interconnectedness to ancestors, family, community, friends, and even strangers.  I am aware of the love it took to get me here, to keep me here and to move me forward. 

What I knew then was how to shrink myself to make other's feel comfortable that I never fully unravelled myself in the presence of others.

Is it's the fact that I hear the unsaid loud and clear, having to navigate the two states feels like being a twin and having to play both roles. It's tiring. 

Could it be my contentment with being misunderstood and the comfort in aloneness that has played a factor in this? Could it be the lockdown trying and finding an issue to latch on to pass time? 

Am I communicating this disconnect with others? If I communicate this to them what do I want out of this situation? What is my responsibility and what isn't? Are our lives doomed to feel the hollowness of loneliness? Does being understood feel like being seen for the first time, is it an addictive feeling, do you forget the first time, the last time and how it felt when it passes?

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck? 

As real as it feels, I must trust the knowledge of oneness, and the role in which I am playing in this, in order to comprehend the illusion. 

Maybe I just need a cuddle and a brew. 

P.s - Lemme get morbid, what if this slow detachment is how you know death is calling, surely it must have its own calling card. I am convinced you know you will die before you die, surely, maybe those intuitive souls. If you know you are going to die, where do you go to hide? Do you allow it to happen or would you instinctively true to dodge it? It is funny we are born to die and we have to rediscover our purpose and add meaning to our lives before our timer goes off.  I don't want to die but I am okay with it happening when it happens as if I can not be okay with it. Just postpone it to a more convenient time. K

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Suit of Wands

 The Suit of wands is represented with fire and masculine energy. It is spirituality, determination and willpower. Like fire, it can be unpredictable and creative or energetic and destructive. It is passion and sexuality. 

Wands reminds us that passion is aplenty, it tells us to not get distracted once we have an idea that has come to mind, to start where we are. It reminds us of the conviction we have of our dreams and encourages us to look ahead as the plan of execution begins to become clearer. Gratitude for our current present situations no matter the state. It reminds us that communication is the key to conflict resolution. As you feel more confident and self reassured in yourself, it reminds us that success is ours and the power of our personal sauce when facing obstacles. It reminds us that we have the space and freedom to go where our heart sings and to go there with speed, although battles may arise it reassures us that we do not ever fight alone, even when it might not feel as such. When you are overwhelmed ask for help and support, you do not have to do this thing alone. 

Be curious let that which catches your eye lead you. What lights your passion should be explored. Be courageous enough to be determined to see your vision come to life. Move through obstacles with ease, once you are able to do that you will be able to bring forth with the easiest of ease your visions into reality. 

Orange Selenite - Insight, security and self-identity. 

Listen to Dorothy Ashby - Hip Harp.

Wednesday 28 October 2020

Suit of Cups

 The suit of cups reflective of emotion and is represented by the element of Water. Emotions like water can be gentle and cleansing but also be destructive and raging, it is the feminine energy that is adaptable, purifying and healing. 

The suit of cups reminds us that abundance is always flowing towards and for us, assures us that meeting people with different perspectives halfway leads to better understanding and communication. It encourages us to find our tribe of people who see us and celebrate us, during times when it may feel as though there is no other option it reminds us that changing our vantage point will change our perspective. When we express loss it encourages us to acknowledge the loss but not to get lost in it. It reminds us that what we ask for we will always get, and that what we want we have to be clear about and reach out to get it. Going forward can be scary but it encourages us to look forward and move positively no matter how scary it may feel, the suit reminds us to acknowledge the hard work we do, to see the success and celebrate it, it reminds us to stop at completion and see how the hard work unfolds with your tribe by yourself. 

Be curious and explore what catches your eye. Go into battles well prepared, defeat is inevitable without preparation. Be fair and compassionate. Trust your emotions and use them as a creative tool. 

It is time to rejuvenate myself by giving myself, love. I accept myself the way I am, and I remind myself that I cannot feel any better about life than how I feel about myself. I will not wait a moment longer to accept myself.
I honour what my body is asking for, and if I am unsure, I will ask myself, ‘ what can I do to be healthier and more balanced than I am now ?’ I will dwell upon all that is right in my life and not what is wrong, I have gratitude.

I accept life as it is now and I move forward from here.

Rhodochrosite - Healing, comfort, harmony, friendship, kindness, tolerance, compassion and self love

Listen to Nujabees - Spiritual State

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Suit of Pentacles

 The suit represents the feminine element, how we create,  shape and transform the tangible and material. It is the reflects the nourishing nature of Earth and its ability to transform the suns rays into nutrients and sustenance for all that sprout from it. 

Pentacles remind us that on this earth there is an abundance of everything material, tangible, opportunities are always around. In order to identify and fully harness the opportunities, this suit reminds us to find a balance in life that works for ourselves, to move to our own pace and to learn and master skills from respected teachers and those who we can learn him.  It warns against hoarding or being over possessive with our gifts, possessions and talents as this will stagnant us and cause us to lose the things we are overprotective of. It reassures us of the support that is readily available when we ask. And reminds us again to share our gifts with others, Informs us that we have to do our part and the rest will fall into place. Mastering skills even when it might be difficult to, what has been watered and cared will bear fruits, for what you reap is what you sow. The suit is also a reminder that things unfolded in a divinely perfect way even if we may not understand it. 

Be open to exploring new ideas and where they may lead. Preparation, hard work, showing up and consistency will result in wins. Be nurturing, caring and acknowledge the goodness. Be assured and confident in the power you possess and your ability to bring forth. 

The earth is the lord’s and the fullness thereof. All that God has I have. Wealth is a law of my being, it is the natural attribute of my soul. I am wealthy because the mind of God is wealthy and I am a point through which it expresses its harmonious and lawful wealth here on earth. This is the source of my wealth and well being. I am wealthy materially and mentally, inside and outside. I can ALL and ALL is left for others, therefore I am fearless and secure and there is no greed in my consciousness. I am at ease in my wealth. 

Listen to Yusef Lateef - Jazz Mood. 

Pyrite - wealth and abundance.

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Suit of Swords

 The suit of swords represents the logical mind and intellect, the quality of our thoughts and beliefs. Associated with the element of Air, our mental state is intangible, unseen, and can go from unnoticed and still, to gale winds.

Just like the sword is double-edged, our minds can be used for good or evil, the unseen masculine energy of the suit is lead by force and power and relates to change, knowledge. 

The message in this suit is about the possible triumphs that come from new ideas, it is a reminder that we can free ourselves from our mental anguish if we trust ourselves enough to put the swords down and take the blindfold off. The impermanence of pain and our ability to move past it. Of the importance of rest for our mental health, the power and consequences of not picking our words and battles with precision. It reminds us that leaving what we know and transitional spaces are empowering, it warns us against deceptive ways and to be wary of those deceiving us. Informs us that self-limiting belief and doubts can be shaken off, they do not hold us, prisoner, only if we let them, reminds us that this mental anguish that sometimes keeps us up at night is not a reflection of reality, it encourages us to seek help and speak to someone who may be able to assist us. To acknowledge pain for what it is and be reassured that it too shall pass. 

Things ideas and concepts that spark curiosity in you should be explored with an open heart, seize the moment when opportunities arise and make your intentions clear. Do not make decisions based on emotion alone. Practise self-discipline and trust logic and reason over intellect. 

 I develop a quiet mind that allows me to tune in and get in touch with my spirit. I listen for guidance that is waiting for me to hear.

I am open to the truth and welcome spiritual inspiration from others. 

I will benefit greatly by practising meditation and stillness. 

I ask for inner guidance to assist me in getting more in touch with my spirit. I know that if I ask for guidance, it will be given. 

Fluorite -  Truth, Consciousness,  Aura cleansing, Intellect, Protection

Listen to Terry Pollard - The More I see you.

Wednesday 16 September 2020


 As I walk back home eternal sunshine begins to play, I am in my feels as I feel Jhene Aiko pull from my heart, sentiments felt but unable to articulate. 

I don't know anything at all and it is beautiful. Each fall into the abyss eventually landing akimbo. God knows I didn't do it alone but fuck I am that bitch.  


I will acknowledge my own greatness before someone else does, it will stand on its own without needing validation from those not brave enough to walk a mile in my shoes but loud and wrong enough to try and describe my journey to you. 

I will tell you what I am without succumbing to the pressure of being in your suffocating box. 

Wednesday 9 September 2020


At what point should you question the validity of what you are thinking? 

Projections aren’t static, its easier to project onto someone than it is not to, sometimes we don’t even realise we are projecting. It

I had initially been thinking about projections and the role they play when building relationships with others, what are we projecting and how much of that projection is clouding the reality of the other and denying them the space to exist as them and instead of squeezing them in a small box we have conveniently marked with the role this person must play in our life. 

I thought about how projections work in already established relationships and what role they play in maintaining these relationships? Because if you start with projecting what it is you want to see and how you want to see it, what happens when the reality is no longer deniable? Whatever coping strategy picked will at some point no longer work once the boiling has reached. 

It is easy for the want to cloud our judgement to get lost within it, it is often much louder than reality and this dissonance causes pain. 

I am empathetic. I am patient with others and self because our being is born out of learning, we are here to learn and things won’t always just make sense. It is in the spaces where the opportunity to apply what we learnt through reflection, introspection and prayer where growth happens. 

It is in these spaces where we learn that intentionality should be applied.

Slow down and see people for what or whom they are and go to where you are seen and valued, that what you want from relationships is out there and you don’t have to settle for the crumbs in projections. 

This applies to all relationships out there, familial, platonic, romantic and whatever other kinds of relationship type yall are developing.

A mothersucking update.

Tehehe oi oi oi okay so this here projections really helps me know and understand when it shows up in others, EGO is strong in projections when we do not choose to acknowledge our part in and take accountability for how we act either in reaction to or response to what we think we know. I am learning further the role of humility and communication to projections and how silly projections when they play out.

Defensive mechanisms do more harm than good in the long run, they alienate us and imply intrinsic victimhood on us and because lies are drenched the sickly nectar of deceit that truth can't always compete. 

That's why it is really important to know yourself deeply, your actions and your intentions and motivations. No one can come and spew their wayward shit.

So much of projections is insecurities that blind us into thinking we are the main stars in other people's lives, this kind of living is a bit dead. 

Sunday 6 September 2020


 We tiptoe the line of life and death in an intricate and delicate dance daily, it happens all around us and inside us. We mourn the loss selfishly, the grief heavy as we move through the process of healing that which we have lost. When is the right time to celebrate what we had, what could come and the grace period for ourselves? 

A king lay died at the foot of the grim reapers’ horse, a young child extends her arm to offer him a single rose, her other arm reaches for the woman who looks away in defeat, as an older woman pleads with the grim reaper. Coming over the horizon on the other side of the river is the light of the sun as it passes through two columns. 

Death is funny, grief is real very VERY real.

It is far too easy to be fixated on what death takes from us than to imagine new with what we are left with. Familiarity acts like a safety blanket but is a net that stops us from exploring and moving forward positively. 

There is so much opportunity in the end that to fear it is to fear living and life. Once you are done with the mourning there is joy coming. 

Resistance to change is futile, death is an opportunity to let go of that which no longer supports us and welcome that which is nourishing. Embracing transformation allows for participation during this transformative state. Cut out excess and let go of what is unnecessary, clear what is old, stagnant and getting in your way.

I honour Spirit and know that anything is possible. 

I let God have a more active presence in my life and I know that my life is divinely guided, I surrender to this truth. 

I  know I am loved, guided and protected by a higher source. 

I am open to seeking guidance in spiritual quests. 

Listen to Santigold Master of My Make-Believe. 

Crystal -  Uvarovite Garnet a very transformative stone that pushes one to constantly change. 

Sunday 30 August 2020

Nine Of Swords

A figure sits up in bed with face in hand, appears to have been startled by a nightmare. Behind them is a dark wall of 9 nine swords, the tips out of shot, implying no end and their duvet are a covered in full-bloomed roses. 

Negative thoughts consume you and are keeping you up at night, you are stressed, anxious and obsessing over whatever isn’t going well. Do not feed into this loop of associating with the fears and letting them rule your life, negativity feeds and thrives off of this. The more you obsess the more it appears. 

The fear you feel is not indicative of your reality, the turmoil this is creating has left you feeling overwhelmed, do not let this affect your spiritual practices. The duvet is your reality, abundance beauty.

I accept the oneness of all life and I know I am one with others on this journey.
I support them and let them support me. I am brave and not afraid to ask for assistance. 

I allow myself to empathise and sympathise with others and choose to see the love in all around me. 

I accept others for who they are. I bring harmony by finding common grounds with others. 

Crystal - Hematite. Clears stress, anxiety and worry. It neutralises negative energy in the root chakra and aligns all seven chakras.

Listen to Mike Posner - Keep Going. 

Sunday 16 August 2020

Some body My body

My thighs have always kissed and my belly entered rooms before I did, I heard all sorts of comments about my weight. In my head, I looked like Fat Albert but every time I have looked back at pictures I think damn, I wasn’t half as bad as I imagined, then I would remember that I look like FAT Albert currently and that was an image from the past and the cycle would continue, it didn’t help every time I heard comments it confirmed this image. I had a love hate relationship with my body and the gym. I joined new gyms every 3 months and tried diets just as regularly.

Body image is the emotional attitudes, beliefs and perceptions of our bodies, what we believe about our appearance, how we feel about our bodies. Our negative or positive body image is informed by a large number of factors, from early childhood, our peers and the media each feeding into the other. Research has shown that people with poor body image are sometimes drawn to those who see them as they see themselves - negatively. Poor body image is linked with feeling less deserving of happiness, which can lead people to tolerate poor treatment from others.

We must begin to love our bodies as they, this is a radical act of self-love.

Self-love is loving yourself fully, flaws and all this looks like being honest with ourselves about who we are, what we want and what our strengths and weaknesses are and what we need to do in order to get where we want to be. It is the way we treat ourselves, the thoughts and feelings we have about ourselves, the effort we are willing to put into us, how we talk about ourselves. 

It is having a positive view of ourselves and knowing that even on the not so great days, there is a love that underlies it all. When we get angry, or disappointed in ourselves, we can forgive ourselves and make decisions that support our wellbeing. 

There are numerous practical things we can do to improve our body image, as it is subject fluctuation these and many other things must be done continuously. 

Unlike exercise for weightless mindful exercise doesn’t rely on punishment, competition or weight. Its a more pleasurable exercise that should remind us of how amazing our bodies are. These bodies can be strong tough and enduring also soft, tender and flexible. For some people, this might look like running, going to the gym or cycling. For others it might be yoga, dancing around your room or a mindful walk to and from the park.

Notice new things to be grateful for each day and journal that, this can be something as non-complex as having a shower, listening to a song you haven’t heard in years or completing a job application, nothing is too small or too insignificant if it made your heart smile write it. 

Set boundaries and establish a firm sense of right and wrong regarding your personal space. Use verbal, written or nonverbal prompts, non-verbal can be taking a couple of steps back if you feel someone has overstepped a personal boundary you have set for yourself. Write down how you feel in certain situations such as if someone feels too demanding of your time can help you in finding the right words to express your concerns. 

Your body deserves all your love, at every size. You deserve flowers and things that make you smile even as your belly rolls and fat jiggles when you run. You deserve stars in your eyes and butterflies in your belly, the cornucopia that houses you is enough and beautiful as it because no one else looks like or even is you. Flaunt it all baby flaunt it all!!

P.s If loving your body is difficult, at least respect it. It has done and continues to do amazing things daily. 

Wednesday 12 August 2020

The High Priestess

The High Priestess sits between two pillars of duality. Dark and light, masculine and feminine, negative and positive. Pillars of establishment and strength. 

 She sits before a pomegranate clad veil, a symbol heavy in feminine connotations of abundance, fertility, luxury and passion. On her lap is a laptop and access to a vast amount of knowledge. By her foot lie a crescent moon, she trusts her instincts and has control of her emotions. 

Divine femininity is encompassed within the high priestess, the esoteric knowledge she holds roots her firmly in Spirit and God. She is aware that God is always working even when it might not appear to be so all is not as it seems. She embraces knowledge and is aware of its power and influence. 

She embraces change and sits between duality, is open to the insight of the past and the future/beginning and end. She is at her most powerful in the present. She accepts that in the pursuit of romance, not all is seen appropriately, her patience and passivity must apply in this area too. 

When we are open and honest to ourselves and others, what is hidden comes to the surfaces and gives way for inspiration from the most high to come through. The information you hold holds weight, substance and value, choose what, when and how to disclose anything about you. The world’s secrets are waiting to be discovered, taking the non-obvious way will lead you there.


I allow myself to be open to giving and receiving love without fear of rejection. 

 I give without expecting acknowledgement or recognition in return.

 I love myself the way I am, not the way I was or the way I could be I extend this love to others. 

 I teach others how to love and respect me by how I love and respect myself. 

Crystal Moonstone - A reminder of all the things we think we have forgotten. 

Stability and a reminder that darkness turns into light. Intuition and emotion regulator. 

Listen to Millie Jackson - It Hurts too Good.