Sunday 29 March 2020

Liberation Revolution or Work

Collectively we had decided 2020 was our year of manifestation, we wrote our plans, made our vision boards, we held our hands open, our smiles gleaming, our hearts were ready for the goodness that was going to befall us. After all we deserved it, 2019 was hard. 

The system is breaking down just as consistency became more than a vague concept, the loss of control can have a devastating effect on our mental health as we watch the systems that once crashed us, fail before our eyes.
The feelings of control melting away as we continue to ravish Covid related content, the jokes and misinformation feeding the fear causing us to seek out even more information to supposedly discern false information. All this while being fully aware of what we need to do to protect ourselves and our loved ones. 

The time for rest and rediscovery is now, while numerous twitter threads are encouraging us to chase the money, to grind and grind until we can’t grind no more. The shackles of capitalism have been loosened, we can dance them free as we choose to choose to put humanity before profit and picking ourselves each moment. 

Often times it is easy to be unsure of what to be grateful for, especially when you are on your last tenner, you are sofa surfing, you don’t even have the car you put on your vision board, you are a mess. 

Although it doesn’t always feel like it waking each day is a blessing, plus if we are being real with ourselves in England we have more rainy overcast days than we do sunny days. 
There is always going to be something we needing or wanting, beauty lies in being present. We acknowledge our individual power and stand in that, as opportunities start to sprout where once was arid. 

I say all this to say 2020 can still be ours collectively. The system imploding has provided a brief moment to pause. A time to dispose of that which no longer benefits us, while nurturing that which brings us closer to our goals and purpose. 

Collectively this is a time to connect and sow seeds of community that can continue to grow once we are free. Nothing has to stay the same after this, we can move away from symbolic baseless acts. See clapping for NHS.  

This is about the inherent sacraity of our lives, making sure that even when chaos ensures we are still able to be loving to self by way of rest. Also acknowledging that because rest and health are politicised, we must use this time to rest and prioritise our health as an act of liberation and protest.

Globally the time for a revolution is now.

‘The practise of love is the most powerful antidote to the politics of domination…it is only love that transforms our personal relations and heals the wounds of oppression’ Bell Hooks

Sunday 15 March 2020

Cup of Fives

A commitment to healing changes the way we interact with everything inside and around us, almost drastically. We become better acquainted with ego we are capable of identifying, recognising and naming it. Theory goes if you can name it you can fight it.

We remove ourselves from what no longer serves us, and live in bliss rarely thinking of functionality of the systems in place; a ruler does not think constantly of floodgates in drier times. We go through knowing there is something in place. 

We become possessive of this bliss and incubate ourselves, fear of losing this to some trivial happenstance. We must be protective of it. Life isn’t always like these feel good quotes we dash around, sometimes it doesn’t make sense, we just have to respond and react according to what the situation or change calls for. 

When ego wants to rear its head, we know whatever is going on is not for us. The disconnect that ego creates forms a cling film like barrier between what is happening and our sense of self, usually this is when the call for an emulsifier intensifies. We intake in hopes of out putting something that heightens the illusion of unity. If we can’t beat them we must join them. We push through high and drunk, ignoring the silent nudges to put it down and go home, we laugh and talk louder hoping to drown out the cues to get out. We so used to this discomfort it’s become an integral part of our social outings. 

I am learning that mourning is part of growth, we must mourn what we thought we understand, we must mourn what we have redefined. Holding on to the past takes up space and can morph into shame. I am learning that there is goodness all around us, sometimes we have to change our perception. I am learning God really has created a world in which we just have to reach out and get what we need, while yes this is very reductive coz while yes we can reach out and get what we want, there can be factors that can stand in our of realising our desires, perseverance, consistency, determination and passion mean that even deterrents do not throw us off completely. I am learning moments of discomfort are just teachable moments if I harness them completely. I am learning that Lil Wayne is actually a timeless artist, and his old music is very much still very viable and consumable. #noceilings

P.s We theorise and hypothesise how we will react when faced in situations that force our guard up. But all we can do in very situation is stay true to ourselves, some things we can't just leave but self preservation is a must however that must look like. We must always remember to be kind and loving to ourselves each time.