Wednesday 7 July 2021


The doorbell has been going off for the last 10 mins

The incessant knocking finally drives me into action


Reluctantly, I open the door and there she is 


Standing majestically in her soft and full purple gown, she flashes that smile 


Lifts her bag to reveal a snack run. The simple action shows me her flamboyant rings and fills my nostrils with an intoxicating smell that turns my knees weak each time 


I do not want her to come in.  


Motionless and lost for words, I sidestep to let her in 


No one must know of the guest I have living in my home.  


She giggles, the sound comes out distorted and disorientated  


Discomfort that feels like a part of me in a way nothing else does 


She tells me she has been my most loyal and consistent companion 


Recounts stories of intimacy and reminds me she was the spaces that felt like unnatural silence 


She embraces me and I feel whole for the first time.