Sunday 26 September 2021

Page of cups

 The pangs of curiosity are at your heels, fret not for curiosity may have killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back. You don’t know what you don’t know and sometimes the thing to do is get your toes a little wet. The feels you are feeling my conjure up fear and call it other names, welcome and explore this new territory, you are safe to do so. 

My willpower and self-discipline will significantly help me in my efforts to move forward

I am free from the need of approval of others
My actions speak louder than words
Solar Plexus - Self Discipline is attainable through practise meditation

Aquamarine -  The gem of the sea. Once a talisman for seamen this stone is a stone of relief a sigh breath, it is a return to home. It's a calming, soothing stone and helps us delve deep into the dark realms of our souls safely. 

Priscilla Renea - Jukebox 

Wednesday 22 September 2021


Where are you when I need you most? 

Blaming the Panasonic for a lack of desire feels like the easy option, conversations with friends have ranged from longing to yearned for, to the desire of our essence to be the ethanol intoxicating another and theirs doing the same for us, to be consumed greedily with a teaspoon. Ecstasy leading to a blinding climax. 

Fear of sleeping in front of the mirror brought me face to face *ba dum tss* with the realisation that the inability to face the entirety of me cut me off from the ability to see, accept, acknowledge and embrace the parts shroud in darkness. The parts that don't have names just characteristics described by words that conjure chills, fears and led us to cower or frantically seek the nearest light source. Afraid of what they will do if they get a hold of us. 

If all we need is inside us, how do we find the things we seek if we don't know what they look nor feel like? 

I am learning to lean into the safety deeply found in being, evidenced by experiencing the here and now. In this life, there is very little we have to fear -spiders are a legit thing to fear their legs sprang out 360 and their long, round or oval little bodies barely touching the floor moving at 600mph it is very very legit to fear them- got a little distracted there. 

It feels easier to close the lid on what we fear, demeaning these parts unworthy of exploration and tenderness. What do we lose when it's parts of ourselves we put away?  

We can put it all down to the Pangea and that would be legit, what and how we got validation, reassurance and love has changed and even from whom we get this from also has changed. 

Affirm; In this body in this space that is mine, I embrace the nakedness of my being. With curiosity, love and patience I explore the valleys that conceal sacred waters and rolling hills.  

Sunday 19 September 2021

Four of Swords

 You are feeling what you are feeling and that is okay, your feelings are valid, that’s not to say you should be stewing in that which makes your heartache. The presence of a grey cloud does not nullify the blue sky that lay beneath it, you are more than this what you are feeling, it is a bunch of bad days you are not those days nor are you these feelings. Take the time to rest, be intentional and patient with rejuvenation, you running at your optimum will cause all else to run efficiently, it's not the other way round. You are not a martyr, your resting will not cause the sky to fall out. 

Movement is your friend, dance you have plenty to rejoice for, if you could get your head out of your ass for a second you will see that what is around it was once merely a prayer.
It might not feel like it so much right now but you have the power of choice on your side, choose clarity the intention in itself is enough if it is all you can muster. 

I recognise that knowledge and information comes to me in form of intuition

I aim to understand the truth behind situations that come my way and respond with wisdom
I delve into circumstances from a spiritual viewpoint
Third Eye Chakra - Knowledge is more than what is written in books, your experience is valid meditation. 

Citrine - A stone that embodies the light and energy of the sun, it is creativity, optimism and an energiser.

Marlena Shaw - Spice of Life. 

Wednesday 15 September 2021


We are so accustomed to resistance, we think we need some level of it to increase the intensity of joy, we tense our bodies thinking rigidity will ground us into the moment instead of embracing the fluidity our joints afford us.  

The false security of routine means we don't realise how much awe we miss out on, when mundanity takes us so far out of our bodies we don't realise how detached we are from sensation and the need to discover new different ways of experiencing.  

Are there little subtle ways you might be holding tension, that you are not even aware of?  

Sunday 12 September 2021

Ace of Swords

 New is on the horizon, now more than ever is important for intentionality in what you do, it is after all the time of preparation for the winter months. Your vision is becoming clearer in your mind’s eye, let that be your driving force, be assertive, not domineering. The mental clarity you are feeling, use that to make better decisions, put aside ego and let God. 

I trust myself fully and do not let fear nor doubt hold me back

I have confidence in my abilities to reach my goals and fulfil my vision

I welcome questioning as it helps form clarity of my truth and ideas 

Solar Plexus Chakra - Embracing self-confidence meditation 

Selenite - Named after the moon goddess Selene, selenite clears and cleans more than just your auric field, your environments and thoughts go through a cleansing when meditating with this stone. It provides light in darkness and is a reminder of softness.

Banks - Altar

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Top yourself

A bright warm day engulfed by a heavy grey cloud that promises a downpour any minute now.  

The coals on the braai red, raw and angry you hear the sizzle of the marinated meat touch the hot grill. Your favourite part is the fat starting to bubble and shrink not long till the rest of the meat starts to brown.  

The lively summer soundtrack backed by belly laughs, crying babies, fed up yet relieved parents, debaters ready to fight to the death for their argument all amplified by the undeniable presence of love, the kind that comes loaded yet rooted in something akin to truth. 

You live for bursting the pockets of oil that form on boerewors as they cook, you grab the tong, it's warmer than you anticipated. The surprising warmth dulls everything around you and now its you, the tong and the red hot coals. 

Your head fills with the various ways this scenario can kill you, flashes of the tong stabbing you and the hot coals burning your body before someone's question about the state of meat brings you back to the present. 

When you think of strength and strong people, include yourself, your battles are valid, your wins to be celebrated. 

Sunday 5 September 2021


 You keep undermining yourself and your capabilities. This is in great disservice to you. We are a unique and personal balance of masculine and feminine energy, the feminine is calling on us to exercise our right to choice as we co-create new realities with those around us.

You feel as though something is not quite right, ensure this isn’t fear masquerading as concern by making gratitude lists, highlighting what we are grateful for helps us look with compassion to what may be giving concern.
You have a stake in all that is, be loud and proud about what you desire, what will come may surpass your wildest dreams, dream big! Can you dream outside the realm of capitalism or is capitalism the vehicle to get you to your dreams?

I trust all is good and will be good

 I feel good about myself, this ushers in more peace
I surrender to the power of love and forfeit the love of power 

Heart Chakra - Welcoming peace meditation

Flint - A stone of strength, courage, prosperity, intuition, grounding, limitlessness. 

A grounding stone, one that reminds us of the properties of the earth that we have in us, it helps draw these out of us strength, courage prosperity, intuition and limitlessness. Without these the ground would not yield the diversity of all it is capable of holding, you are capable of bringing forth magic as the earth is, has and will continue to do.

Laura Mvula - Pink Noise

Wednesday 1 September 2021


I find myself embedded in each image, behind each cheeky smirk, knowing laugh, distant stare, in between speaking, in the listening, in each of solidarity, behind each voyeuristic gaze.

Something about catching a glimpse of one's inner state had drawn me to cameras they were a telescope, a confidant. A trusting has developed into an attempt in capturing the magic beheld in each of us, the magic we are so unaware of.

My relationship with cameras is ever-evolving, there are the highs and lows of complex relationships. The times when I want for nothing but to put the camera down and walk away and the times in which it is through the camera that I understand what is around me.

I have always been interested in pictures and their stories, who tells whose stories, do they look at you as their competition, contemporary or something less than? I want to encapsulate the beauty of your magic so others can experience you even for just a moment. 

MalCuptures is an attempt at capturing and sharing truth, love and stillness.

Memory is fickle, pictures eternal, they allow us to revisit, states of being, people, places and joy.