Tuesday 30 June 2020

Five of Pentacles - Daily Tarot

You have worries about external factors, things that are out of your control need your attention. Opportunities and windows are opening left right and centre, do not let the number of choices overwhelm you into inactivity. Make calculated moves, some losses are avoidable if you take your time and not react based on emotion but rather based on caution and logic. 
A misfire may have already happened and you are feeling lost and hopeless. You are not alone, your support system is there for you and can bring you comfort. Let someone you trust know how you are feeling, you don’t have to do this by yourself. 

Amethyst - Energy cleanse. 

I am open to the wisdom of elders.
I know that what my intuitive senses tell me are true.
I open myself to the truth that is within and around me.
I am a conscious creator of my reality

Monday 29 June 2020

Page of Pentacles

The dreaming and visualisation you have been doing is starting to materialise, new opportunities and new doors are starting to open. With all your might and both hands grab it all, material gains are on the horizon. 

You are filled with a childlike energy and joy as are rediscovering yourself, you have not SEEN yourself in this light before and you are falling more in love with yourself. Nature your inner child, laugh, play and dance. 

Black Tourmaline - Grounding.

I find material security without being materialistic.
I am resourceful and responsible for supplying fundamental needs in my life.
I take responsibility for where I am in my life as I move forward. 
I get in touch with and trust my innate wisdom, which tells me that I will be provided with all I need.