Wednesday 30 December 2020

Wheel of fortune

The fates are on your side, the ever-turning wheel is showing good times are ahead. Jump on opportunities that present themselves, divinely orchestrated projects are developing an unexpected encounter is Godsend, this will put you on the path to success. Prosperity may come through others but it is not from them, God has many ways of gifting us these successes and these may be presented through people, these people can not and will not stand in the way of what is yours coming your way. 

The enthusiasm and abundant energy bubbling within you will draw all sorts of fortune into your orbit. Do not let impatience upset this turn, put pen to paper whether it is that business idea you had or the novel you have been putting off, this could be the start of something special for you. 

When your crew wins you win and vice versa. Blow your own trumpet; get yourself noticed. No one can pull the wool over your eyes, now is the time to pursue new ventures. Do not let life pass you by, seize the good fortune and you will get to the top, whatever you want that to look like. Get in touch with your intuition. 

I plant myself on solid ground by consistently taking responsibility and having personal accountability for all that I do.

My actions speak louder than words.

I rise above excess and overindulgences. I know I am worthy and deserve to receive good things in life. It is time to enjoy the fruits of my labours.

I am receptive to embracing activities and events that come my way, even those I may have avoided in the past. 

Fluorite - Spiritual elevation and manifestation.

Listen to Simmy - Tugela Fairy 

Wednesday 23 December 2020

The Hierophant

 A stern figure sits between two pillars, her right hand and fingers raised in a blessing gesture, in her left is a diamond-encrusted wand. Before her lies two keys and two figures listening attentively. Her crown appears to be three-tiered with the top tier flowing with beautiful flowers. 

The Hierophant is here to impart with spiritual wisdom and knowledge, the keys can open life’s greatest mysteries. The card reminds us the preexisting spiritual structures give us a steady foundation while we explore and discover our own. When the student is ready the teacher shall appear, there is plenty you can learn from spiritual leaders of various faiths and belief systems. 

Spiritual leaders can come in all shapes and formats, books, to youtube and any spaces that nourish, nurture your spiritual curiosity and have an understanding of the core guiding principles. 

Explore your spiritual and cultural heritage, these structures have stood the test of time and will give something to learn about longevity. In the learning be vulnerable and honest, your light will shine and your tribe will find you and you them. seek out your tribe, be vulnerable and honest

Add ritual into your spiritual practice, this could look like daily meditation, gratitude and prayer and journaling. 

 In health seek out professional advice and follow it with adaption.

I will know what I need to do and how to respond with wisdom to situations that come my way. 

I believe in myself.

Carnelian - Build confidence and courage 

Listen to WILLOW, Jahnavi Harrison - R I S E 

Sunday 20 December 2020

That's how I feel

 I feel tender and raw 

'I am fine I promise'

I shout repeatedly to no one in particular 

The gnashing teeth and fatigue tell me otherwise 

My bones and joints feel like rusty old door hinges 

'Yer, yer I will rest' 

I reassure myself as the clock chimes 3; the ungodly hour 

Tender to the touch, red and exposed

Everything hurts in a way that tells me I am feeling too much, none of the good things

'It's not that' I feel my essence scream as I look for irrationality and holes

in what was arising

'Do some things exist where intellect has no jurisdiction?' 

Is this a feeling that needs to be felt before it is articulated

Is the articulation the language to communicate, for another to understand before I overstand it? 

Wednesday 16 December 2020

The Tower

 Lighting strikes on a dark and stormy knight, the monarch has fallen, the tower is on fire, one figure is impaled the rocks below the tower as the other is mid-fall to demise. It is chaotic and destructive, feels unavoidable. 

What you thought was built on solid ground is starting to crumble, the destruction it is leaving in its path may feel as though nothing good will come out of this. Do not let the fear that comes with change stop you from rising like a phoenix. What has burnt to the ground was never meant for you, acknowledge the loss, the pain will come to pass. 

Let what is crumbling fall, that fall will give way to you building what you desire. Rooted in spirit, truth and light, what is your is making its way to you, this is part of the process. What was once useful can be let go once it is no longer of use, this is what is happening. 

I trust my innate wisdom and respond accordingly. 

I do not allow my mind to create doubt or to override my strong gut feelings.

I am at peace with myself and those around me and I do not harbour unrealistic expectations of myself and others.

My power is free from ego and from any desire to manipulate or exploit situations or people.

The foundations of all my thoughts and actions is trust in myself. 

Spirit Quartz - Helps resolve arguments, especially in the home environment, and restores harmony to the household.

Listen to Scarlet Pines - A Life In Flow 

Sunday 13 December 2020


 'I want to be good to you' 

he whispers in between breaths as his fingers find the top of the joggers tugging at the seam hoping a little aggression would loosen them

I feel him rock hard. I like the Sahara desert arid

I erected cities in his name and drowned those that questioned his glory

all I got was hard dick 

I caressed each scar he bore and sealed it with a kiss 

all I got was a man who lost me in empty rooms 

I drained the pacific ocean and placed it in his pool when he said he wanted an infinity pool

I couldn't even get a glass of water because none of the cups were clean

Not all giving is the same nor is all receiving

Leave a lot of love for yourself 

Cherish yourself enough to see when you are getting the short stick. 

Wednesday 9 December 2020

The Devil

 The devil depicted as winged half man half goat, complete with pentagram, faces two naked figures chained to the block on which he is atop. The chains on the figures appear loose, with little effort these can be removed, the horns a sign of the figures becoming more like the devil, or on the devil’s side. 

We are made of light and shadow, shadow consumes light and convinces us darkness is all we know. Addictions, unhelpful behaviours, thought patterns and relationships impede us from becoming the best versions of ourselves. These behaviours lurk in the shadows and make us feel we have no control or power over them. We must shine a light to them first, acknowledge their presence, call them by name.


From this, actions to shake them loose must arise, it will take work, effort and showing up on our part. Often these have become deep-rooted habits and can be the hardest to break but are breakable, take it one day at a time. 

When my mind sways negatively, I remind myself of love, gratitude and spirit.

I am the observer of my thoughts, I do not let them bring me down. 

I remind myself to have gratitude and acceptance for what is and to have the courage of my convictions. 

I pursue a clearer understanding of spiritual truths behind all that is and all that is unfolding.

I ask myself is all I am thinking the truth and is it having a positive or negative impact on my life. 

Amethyst - A stone of balance, calmness and peace. Once used as an ‘anti intoxicant’ by catholic bishops and ancient greeks alike.

Listen to Meshell Ndegeocello - Peace beyond passion 

Sunday 6 December 2020


 Find stillness 

There will you find the beating heart that ricochets rhythms of love

The echos reaching within the spaces you once thought love could but reach 

Follow the depth of your breath 

Find the space deep within you where nothing lives but everything created 

Watch the concoction at play in awe and from a distance 

Do not fear what comes up 

Your terror casts shadows that distort the reality

Instead, light a torch and walk towards it with curiosity, love and patience 

Hug it until the warmth of your love starts to melt its outer layers. 

Acknowledge and sit with it until the little girl 

buried beneath it smiles back at you. 

Find stillness

Find the empty

Where love is snug and aplenty

where love can hold you

Find nothing

Only then will you find everything