Sunday 30 June 2019

De- lay

So for a while I have been aware of how little I have posted.  

Every time I read what I have written, I am filled with sadness, but also with joy. 

I have come so far, and I have yet to go.  

I am greatness 

I am no longer worried about writing about my previous state of mind 

Initially I worried I would be re living the emotions too soon 

But I lived through that so I can be my most awesome self.  

She is back, again.  

Tuesday 18 June 2019

7 (Seven)

I have missed 7 postings. 

I know. 

It's not out of desire to miss them, it was driven both by an intense highly functioning relapse and hesitance in sharing what was written as at the time I couldn't see the woods from the trees.

I was in the depth of it. 

And this ain't that kind of blog fam, this is a post- processing, processing unit. 

I am currently in Rwanda.
So this post is a pre post post.
I am back butchers.

P.s I wasn't back because Rwanda was a TRIP lol.