Sunday 22 September 2019

Zambia; Christian Nation

Zambia "the real Africa", a country defined by its 8 hour load shedding and its 7 days no water in Chilenje, by its ever expanding wealth gap between the haves and have nots, with the haves seemingly unaware or indifferent to the desperation of the have nots.
Where do desperate people turn to in a country where politicians are not in politics because they care for everyday man, but rather because they see it as a way to wealth? 

The number of churches in Zambia had me floored, for every 1km is a church or a faith based school; as if the number of churches on the ground is what characterises a Christian nation and differentiates it from more secular nations.  

Of these churches and church like organisations it's hard to not question what role the church plays in society; is it the church's duty to denounce the corruption and the ills inflicted on the Zambian people, or has the suffering of the people been ordained by God? Does a Christian nation have to live up to Christ like characteristics, of humility, compassion and honesty? 

The interesting thing is the obsession of the morals of others while neglecting one's own morals and those of the politicians, whose moral compasses or lack thereof affect daily lives much more closely than Mulenga, her ripped jeans and crop top. 

How corrupt leaders are happy to drive their lavish cars and live in their mansions - often unaffected by the lack of water and electricity, is a symptom of a lack of humanity. Lungu who had previously asked the church to 'Christianise the nation’s politics' is heading a nation free from any spirituality let alone any Christian under tones.  

At what point should we actively reject the fallacy of the 'Christian nation' and when will those in power be held accountable for the state of our beloved country?

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