Friday, 8 January 2016

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

'Have you seen his new girlfriend?, he downgraded'
'Some of these girls think they are pretty, but my toes look better than them'

During an argument or discussion it is so easy to talk about or reference the way someone looks, sometimes comments are passed giggles and sly looks are exchanged. You go on to boast on how these men are willing to drop stacks on you, willingly; as long as you wear what they picked up for you when in public together. And in that passing moment seemingly no one is hurt.

What you don't know is that the girl whose looks you have just turned into a joke has insecurities, at this point you don't care because they have nothing to do with you, she has found out that you speak like this about the way she looks, she can't change nothing about her genetics and neither can you. However you have noticed that unlike you she doesn't have the bad bitch look, her looks won't allure the likes of Kanye, Rick Ross won't compare her to a bag of money; but sadly neither will you. No offence but lets be realistic, what are the chances.

Her beauty is silent it doesn't boast, it calms the storms, it brightens up each room she walks in. She doesn't result to using genetics against you, thats an unfair fight and she knows it, instead she uses your personality traits or lack of to force the knife as blunt as your personality to draw herself further away from your toxicity.

The moral of this is that even though beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the beheld shouldn't perceive their beauty based on that, beauty is more than just how the outside looks.  When it comes to such matters I think the advice online is all well and good but realistically, the outside world will judge you based on your looks, first impressions aren't based on your personality; love at first sight is definitely not based on your personality because again call me a skeptic but people who are conventionally beautiful are believed to go further than regular Jane's.

That got a bit negative a bit to quick.
Although all the above is true, you have to remember that eventually outer beauty fades, the smooth skin turns into a crate filled red planet, that small waist turns into average waist, time makes making out beauty as a driving force redundant; once time and gravity start to work their magic only genes will save you from that. But if you have talent and a personality, brains the world becomes your oyster. the girls that giggled and laughed at you are looking at you envious.

You are only as beautiful as you feel and that begins to transpire on the outside.

'5k to couch'

p.s Keep your head high the beholder only holds on for a certain amount of time, the beheld; you, holds on for your whole life. 

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